Calculation of Corporate Carbon Footprint
The physical risks and transition risks brought up by climate change are seen as an increasingly substantial threat on corporates. To reach the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060, it is of great significance to quantitively measure corporates’ carbon footprint. However, the current self-disclosed climate data of domestic A-share listed corporates faces problems such as insufficient disclosure and uneven coverage (link to the "Analysis Report on Climate Change Information Disclosure of A-share Listed Corporates"), which are no small obstacles to accurately analysing and understanding their low-carbon transition progress.
Based on reliable methods in China and abroad, STGF Carbon Footprint Model provides data that are reliable, comparable, standardised, and cross-checked, which can be used to help closely examine target corporates’ carbon footprints.
The physical risks and transition risks brought up by climate change are seen as an increasingly substantial threat on corporates. To reach the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060, it is of great significance to quantitively measure corporates’ carbon footprint. However, the current self-disclosed climate data of domestic A-share listed corporates faces problems such as insufficient disclosure and uneven coverage (link to the "Analysis Report on Climate Change Information Disclosure of A-share Listed Corporates"), which are no small obstacles to accurately analysing and understanding their low-carbon transition progress.
Based on reliable methods in China and abroad, STGF Carbon Footprint Model provides data that are reliable, comparable, standardised, and cross-checked, which can be used to help closely examine target corporates’ carbon footprints.

STGF has extensively referenced and studied numerous international and domestic standards and methods:
- GHG Protocol by WRI and WBCSD;
- ISO 14061-1
- Guidance on Enterprises Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting (《企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南》) by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) of PRC.
- The Global GHG Accounting & Reporting Standard For the Financial Industry, PCAF
and standards issued by Chinese authorities of related functions:
- Adaptable: suitable to all categories of listed companies;
- Normalised: both the calculation methodology and cases based on relevant technical specifications;
- Reliable: both calculation factor selection and process compliant with relevant technical specifications; calculation results of different branches can be compared and cross-verified.
- Commercial banks:
carbon footprint measurement of credit assets,
development of carbon neutral themed financial products,
zero carbon bank transformation roadmap,
carbon neutral related scenario analysis and stress testing - Asset management:
carbon footprint, carbon intensity measurement of portfolio assets,
risk analysis related to portfolio carbon neutrality,
construction of investment strategies such as low carbon and climate change,
design of carbon neutral related products,
roadmap for zero-carbon asset management transformation - Corporates:
Benchmarking of low-carbon transformation industries and corporate carbon management improvement
Case Study:
One listed company in chemical industry